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Captivate Your Audience Like Never Before

The iHub is designed to build trust with your customers and significantly increase work conversion rates.

360° 3D Models

Our unique 3D models allow your team to visually demonstrate the effects of wear and tear on vehicle parts, making the case for necessary repairs.

Increase Conversion Rates

Visual evidence, powered by data, can boost conversion rates by up to 40%, increasing your workshop's revenue.

Convert more work and sell more parts


Over 400 3D car component models in the iHub


Increase your average invoice value by up to 25%


Reports presented globally every week

A Spectacular 360° Customer Experience

Home screen of the iHub showing all vehicle details
iHub presentation screen showing customer maintenance plan sliders

Maintenance Plan Explanation

Demonstrate With 3D Models and Videos

iHub touchscreen showing part of the engine blown up
iHub presentation screen showing workshop fuel performance pack signature service

Showcase Your Signature Services

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